Say what?

Words can inspire and words can destroy. Choose yours well.

I have always been fascinated with words and more specifically the power and energy behind words.  They can captivate and control human emotion. The ways words are said reveal the condition of the heart and the status of the circumstance. When used positive intention, words have the power to change the world. Words are attached to the soul; they go from the page, our lips, their lips, and infuse into our being.

In yoga class I speak often to the philosophy of the practice and how I believe it is important to create relevant and realistic connections to these ancient theories and own modern worlds.  The five internal practices of observance, called Niyamas are traditionally used as guidelines to build inner strength and discipline. More specifically the Niyama: Shaucha comes to mind as I ponder the power of words. It is a central aim of many yogic techniques. The yogis discovered that impurities in both our external environment and our internal body adversely affect our state of mind. The practices of movement, breathe and meditation cleanse and purify the body and mind, as well as strengthens our capacity to maintain a stable, positive and loving state of being.

The work then is to consciously surround ourselves with a pure environment (free of toxins) this includes food, drink, friends, entertainment, home furnishings and transportation and the words you hear, see + think. Our goal is to limit or eliminate external impurities into our bodies or minds. The way that your life is currently going is a reflection upon the words that you have been consistently speaking.Take a time out to think about the words that you have been using to describe yourself or your current situation.  If your life isn’t what you truly desire and if you have been speaking negatively in regards to certain areas of your life then it is time to make a change. Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

Keep your words kind + true because a positively spoken word/phrase is a powerful affirmation or declaration that can replace any subconscious cues that have the potential to sabotage your success in any facet of your life. A declaration created just for you serves as a reminder of what is ultimately important for both your short and long-term goals. It provides a way to tie in who you are today that fulfills your future goals. Go through the following steps courtesy of my beautiful mentor Susan Conrad, founder of IGOLU. 

1. Look at one domain from your goals (i.e., personal, health, career).

2. Read your vision out loud.

3. Identify a goal you really want and are not sure you can have.

4. Identify what the reactive voice in your head says (i.e., “I don’t deserve it; it isn’t practical; I’ll never ___.”)

5. Experiment with active verbs such as: “I am.” “I allow.” “I choose.” “I give.” “I know.” Choose one that works for you and finish the sentence in a way that will remind you today of all that you are creating for your future.

6. Speak your declaration out loud and modify it until your body senses both relief and elation. 

Examples of powerful declarations might be: 

  • I am a stand for the greatness within (all people).
  • I am a loving listener.
  • Beautiful, creative solutions fuel my freedom.
  • I am grounded in choice, travel, and rich experiences.
  • My intuition creates infinite possibility.
  • My centre of positivity creates freedom
  • My full emotional and physical presence brings me joy.
  • I invest in experiences that build legacies.
  • I am a living example of compassion, joy, and greatness.
  • I am inspiration, satiation, and curiosity.




Keep it pure. xo