Who are you?

There is danger in disconnection. Disconnection is both the source and consequence of shame, fear and blaming. Insulting, judging others, labelling, stereotyping and raging are all forms of disconnection. These types of fear-based behaviours are fairly easy to recognise in yourself and in others. However, there is another form, one that is perhaps the most painful and confusing of all: it is the feeling of being disconnected from ourselves. As humans, we spend copious amounts of time and energy trying to be who we think others need us to be. We are so influenced by the thoughts and opinions of others that we lose our sense of grounding. We lose our authenticity. We begin to question: Who am I? 

The answer to that question is simple.

YOU are who YOU think you are.

Not what your spouse thinks, or your boss, family members, friends or neighbours.  

It is impossible to be real with all of these people though if you believe that who you are, is unworthy or flawed and you are ashamed of yourself. Difficult to show up when you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.  Tricky to stand for what we believe in when we are spending all of our energy trying to manage other people’s perceptions. Avoiding confrontation or fearing being disliked? You are not living your truth if you are simply telling those around you what you think they want to hear or acting out various roles and characters.

The 5 most common things that prevent us from exposing our authentic selves are judgement, fear, guilt, worry and doubt. Mistakes have and will continue to happen to and for E V E R Y single one of us. Those things we hide that make us feel we are different (heartbreak, loss, abuse, hurt, failure, etc.) are actually the most common threads that weave and connect us as people. Also, the bruises and wounds can and will heal and while that happens, we experience our biggest growth and change. As much as these events, moments, people and circumstances shape you and your life, the most important thing to remember is that everything after ‘I AM’ you create. You speak your future moment to moment. You can hear someone’s entire life if you listen closely to their ‘I AMs’.  How do you picture yourself?

I am not good at blah blah…

I am not able to do this, that or the other thing…

I am not going to have__________

I am not like so and so

You want to be physically fit, then stop telling yourself ‘ I am out of shape’. Want to make more money? Quit saying ‘I am broke’. I bet you crave and desire strong, connected relationships, then enough of the ‘ I am unlovable and I am always going to be alone’ bullshit. 

In the words of Marianne Williamson "Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudice and the acceptance of love back into our hearts. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking. As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

The time is now, get out of the danger zone. Begin to shift your mind and rekindle your connection to self. If you need love and support in the process from a tribe that will cheer you on and help lift you up, come join Mark Groves and I on an adventure to Bali this November. 

Get fully aligned + clear on who you are as you experience…

- Human connection
- Supported in every area of your life
- Freedom from limiting beliefs, reactive + destructive patterns
- A bullsh*t free environment that encourages relaxation + so much play
- Tools to develop stronger boundaries, clarity of goals
- Strategies for efficient/successful communication
- Courage to be honest and joyful in your relationship to Self + others
- Soulful, life-long friendships

Ohhhhh, there's so much more...No one can predict all the magic that happens when amazing humans come together to align.

Take the leap. Find the courage. Leave the normal and the regular to explore the magical and extraordinary. To find out more + apply for your spot --> bit.ly/taketheleapbali